Frequently Asked Questions

 At a La Leche League (LLL) Meeting…

You can look

  • No two people at a meeting will have the same parenting style.

  • You’ll see things you like and things you don’t like. Try what you like and leave the rest.

You can listen

  • You may just want to sit and listen when you come. No one will pressure you to participate if you don’t want to.

You can ask questions

  • “Is this a normal diaper for a breastfed baby?”

  • “How can I get my baby to sleep?”

  • “How can I cope with criticism of my parenting?”

  • “What do I do with a crying baby?”

You can “get out” with your baby

  • La Leche League meetings are designed with babies in mind.

  • They’re informal, and no one will mind if you nurse, change a diaper, or soothe a fretful baby.

  • It feels good to get out of the house with your baby. What better place to come?

You can find friends for yourself and your child

  • Some friendships that start at La Leche League meetings last long after the children are grown.

You can find someone to talk to later

  • La Leche League Leaders are just a phone call or email away, any time you need to talk.

You can complain about struggles

  • Sometimes it helps to talk with people who have “been there.”

  • Whatever you’re going through, someone at the meeting will have been through something similar.

You can help someone else

When you come to a La Leche League meeting, you don’t just learn from other parents; other parents have a chance to learn from you. You become part of the legacy of mother-to-mother peer support that began at the first La Leche League meeting in 1956. This support has spread around the world and continues to spread here in Idaho.

La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing breastfeeding support, encouragement, information, and education.  Accredited La Leche League Leaders in your area answer help calls, give in-person encouragement and nursing help, and facilitate open Series Meetings at which mothers share their questions, experiences, and encouragement with one another.

We encourage you to attend series meetings whether you are a newly expectant parent wondering about nursing, or a mother of many. Meetings are comfortable and informal, and non-separating children are always welcome to attend.  Some groups may have separate infant and toddler meetings, depending on group size and organization.

Please make a habit of coming to meetings—you are an important part of the La Leche League community, and your support means the world to other families throughout your journey: while facing challenges, enjoying nursing, or attending in a supporting role, your presence is valued at every stage.